
Conference Papers
Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J, Giannakidis, G.
Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools [2016]
WWW '16 Companion: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web
Scientific Publications
Berghout, N., Cabal, H., Gouveia, J. P., Broek, M. van den, Faaij, A.
Method for identifying drivers, barriers and synergies related to the deployment of a CO2 pipeline network: A case study for the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco [2015]
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Scientific Publications
Gouveia, J.P., Dias, L., Martins, I, Seixas, J.
Effects of renewables penetration on the security of Portuguese electricity supply [2014]
Applied Energy
Scientific Publications
Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J., Labriet, M., Fortes, P., Gargiulo, M.
Prospective scenarios for the adoption of CCS technologies in the Iberian Peninsula [2013]
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments