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Pedro Palma presents at the conference APEEN 2021

January 20, 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00

Participants: Pedro Palma

Pedro Palma participated in the APEEN 2021 - Energy Transition and Sustainability Conference, which took place online, with the presentation "A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Portuguese Building Stock Energy Efficiency Renovation". Pedro talked about the impact of the building sector on energy consumption and emissions the current situation in Portugal, and presented the methodology and the results for the study in development, the cost-effectiveness assessment of energy retrofit measures for reducing space heating and cooling energy needs of Portuguese dwellings. This analysis was conducted for the whole occupied main residence building stock and at the National and Regional level (NUT3), considering different building typologies and renovation measures inidividually and in a bundle. Three different scenarios were tested, with varying levels of investment and thermal performance of the interventions.