February 03, 2022 from 09:00 to 17:00
Participants: Pedro Palma
Pedro Palma participated in the conference APEEN 2022 - Sustainable Energy Challengens, that took place in online format on the 3rd and 4th of February 2022, with the presentation "Regional Energy Poverty Assessments: Looking into European Islands", based on Rodrigo Trovão's master's thesis and also the review of metrics conducted for the EPAH report "Bringing Energy Poverty Research into Local Practice: Exploring Subnational Scale Analyses". Pedro talked about the problem of energy poverty, the european context in particular, and the importance of addressing this problem at the regional scale, presenting the review of metrics and a few insights obtained in that study. Then, he proceeded to present the work conducted by Rodrigo on the energy poverty assessment in the European islands, going over the methodology and the main results of the analysis.