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Pedro Palma and João Pedro Gouveia participate in the American Institute of Architects Continental Europe Virtual Conference

November 18, 2021 from 16:00 to 18:00

Participants: João Pedro Gouveia Pedro Palma

Pedro Palma and João Pedro Gouveia, together with colleagues Amber Nordholm and Siddarth Sareen, gave a joint presentation titled "Building Renovation and Solar PV Integration for Energy Poverty Reduction: Insights from Lisbon" and then participated in a joint debate on the same topic, chaired by Amber Nordholm in the American Institute of Architects Continental Europe Virtual Conference - Buildings for a New Resilience, held on the 18th November 2021. The presentation touched on topics such as the energy transition, energy justice, energy poverty, building stock energy efficiency, with a special focus on Portugal and referencing the work conducted by the authors, particularly on building energy modeling, energy poverty measurement, and PV integration potential in the case-study of Alfama, an historic district of Lisbon. A Q&A took place after the presentations and debate before the session's end.