Acceptance of "Solidaric solarities: Governance principles for transforming solar power relations" for public (co-authored by Katherine Mahoney)

July 12, 2023, from 12:00 to 12:00

Participants: Katherine Mahoney

During a research stay with her co-supervisor Siddharth Sareen at the University of Stavanger in Norway between November and December 2022, Katherine had the opportunity to participate as a co-author of the article "Solidaric solarities: Governance principles for transforming solar power relations". The article explores the roll-out of solar energy in different global contexts and outlines the trade-offs in equity and justice that have often been associated with utility scale solar developments. A review of cases which embody desirable values for inclusion in a solidaric approach to solar roll-out are outlined.

Assuming the lens of "solidarity" the article explores the potential for solar energy governance models to deliver empowerment, interconnectedness and community wealth for victims of energy injustices. Importantly, the article presents pragmatic governance principles, outlining values which guide policy makers towards a solidaric approach to solar energy roll-outs.