"I see people wearing scarves at home, it's unacceptable": we need to talk about energy poverty [In Expresso newspaper]


January 19, 2021

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João Pedro Gouveia was interviewed for EXPRESSO newspaper.

“If I had to say a number, there are between two and three million people in energy poverty in the country”, says to Expresso João Pedro Gouveia, a researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, part of the research group Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research. “I can say that 80% of people in Portugal are uncomfortable at home"

By Hugo Silva in https://expresso.pt/sociedade/2021-01-19-Vejo-pessoas-de-cachecol-em-casa-e-inadmissivel-precisamos-de-falar-sobre-pobreza-energetica


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