The PrioritEE PLUS project aims to strengthen the competencies of regional and local public agencies in designing policies and strategic planning for energy management in public buildings in five Mediterranean countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, and Croatia.
The project seeks to develop replicable solutions suitable for various regional contexts, contributing to improved energy performance of buildings and compliance with associated European directives, with a focus on increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. The project is funded by the European Community under the INTERREG MED 2014-2020 program, Priority Axis 2 "Encouraging low-carbon and energy-efficient strategies in specific MED territories: cities, islands, and remote areas," Specific Objective 2.1 "Increasing transnational capacity for energy management in public buildings."
The PrioritEE PLUS project relies on a strong collaboration network between technical partners and local/regional public authorities from the five Mediterranean countries with complementary skills.
Full project here.
Improving the Energy Performance of Public Buildings in the Mediterranean Climate via a Decision Support Tool [2024]