
Energy Efficiency Tips and Consumer Segmentation [2023-2024]

The project aims to develop energy efficiency tips to raise consumers awareness. It also aims to develop consumer profiles. The project is being developed for SU Electricidade - portuguese eletricity supplier on the regulated market.

La vivienda iberoamericana ante los desafíos post-COVID y de adaptación al Cambio Global, desde la habitabilidad: propuestas arquitectónicas y técnicas para hábitats igualitarios y salubres (VIbRA-IS) [2022-2024]

The aim of this LINCGLOBAL project is to promote interaction between Ibero-American and Portuguese and Spanish researchers in the field of Global Change, while advancing in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2nd Phase of the "Edifícios + Sustentáveis" (More Sustainable Buildings) Support Program [2021-2023]

The 2nd Phase of the "Edifícios + Sustentáveis" (More Sustainable Buildings) Support Program is a government initiative in Portugal that aims to promote sustainable building practices and energy efficiency in buildings.

"Feasibility of decarbonizing residential buildings – challenges and proposals in the context of Portugal" [2022-2023]

"Feasibility of decarbonizing residential buildings – challenges and proposals in the context of Portugal" study developed for ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável and European Climate Foundation

Energy Inclusion Project [2022-2023]

Provide support to EDP - Social Impact Office for their project on Social Inclusion

PRIORITEE PLUS: Transferring the PrioritEE Decision Tool to public authorities in public buildings at transnational level [2021-2022]

The PrioritEE PLUS project empowers Mediterranean regional and local authorities to create energy management policies for public buildings.