Decarbonized and Inclusive Energy: A Two-Fold Strategy for Renewable Energy Communities [2024]


João Mello, José Villar, Ricardo Jorge Bessa, Ana Rita Antunes, Miguel Macias Sequeira

Journal : IEEE Power and Energy Magazine

Energy Communities (ECS) and Self- consumption structures are receiving significant attention in Europe due to their potential contribution to a sustainable energy transition and the decarbonization process of the energy system. They are considered a powerful instrument to involve end-consumers in active participation in the energy system by becoming self-producers of renewable electricity and increasing their awareness of their potential contribution by adapting their energy behavior to the global or local power system needs. An EC can also contribute to alleviating energy poverty, which occurs when low incomes and poorly efficient buildings and appliances place a high proportion of energy costs on households. The main driver would be the reduction in energy costs obtained if some members agree to share their surplus electricity at a lower price with vulnerable members. Similarly, a renewable EC (REC) can facilitate access to energy assets by sharing the investments among the community members and exploiting existing complementarities. For example, vulnerable members could share their roofs with others to install solar panels in exchange for low-cost electricity. RECs can also help vulnerable members by reducing the barriers to accessing subsidies for building efficiency investments thanks to collective community initiatives, easing information dissemination and helping with bureaucratic processes.

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Citation : • Mello, J., Villar, J. Bessa, R.J. Antunes, A.R., and Sequeira, M.M. (2024). Decarbonized and Inclusive Energy: A Two-Fold Strategy for Renewable Energy Communities. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 22, 4.