Assessing Energy Poverty Vulnerability in the European Union Islands [2022]


Rodrigo Trovão

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Energy Poverty (EP) is a situation in which households experience inadequate levels of energy services such as space heating and cooling. EP is a complex multidimensional phenomenon and one of the most significant societal challenges in the European Union (EU), currently affecting millions of people, resulting in negative consequences for the health, quality of life, and well-being of the population. Studies and metrics to identify and measure energy poverty usually focus on a country level. Although several analyses have been developed at higher resolution spatial scales, some territorial contexts, such as the EU Islands, are still overlooked. The present work aims to assess energy poverty vulnerability among EU Island regions by focusing on available metrics and indicators frequently referred to in literature to measure this state of condition. Altogether, 13 energy poverty indicators were analysed for 19 NUTS2 regions, covering 11 member states. The method used to evaluate energy poverty in the EU islands involves the development of three types of analysis carried out for each indicator, which could potentially lead to awareness about energy poverty vulnerability. Firstly, it was provided an overview with an EU Map concerning each indicator's results, aiming to detect the main regional hotspots. Secondly, the evolution of the results for each region with a three-year time horizon was explored. Finally, the variation between regions for each indicator was calculated to determine whether the performance on the island NUTS2 regions is lower, higher, or equal when compared to the average value of their matching overall country data. Results reveal a wide-ranging distinction across the EU island regions, which can be explained by the differences in geography, climate, income levels, and local-policy action. Considering the EU and several member states' goals on tackling energy poverty, as well as improving energy efficiency, such analysis may contribute with some valuable insights for the development of regionally tailored policy to eradicate energy poverty in the EU islands, towards an improvement in the population wellbeing and lower expenditure on health care.

Full publication here.

Citation : Trovão, R. (2022). Assessing Energy Poverty Vulnerability in the European Union Islands. Master Thesis in Eletrical and Computer Engineering. NOVA School of Science and Technology. NOVA University of Lisbon.

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