PhD Candidate at NOVA University of Lisbon
Miguel Macias Sequeira joined CENSE FCT-NOVA as a PhD candidate in Environment and Sustainability in 2021, researching ways to support a sustainable and just energy transition at city scale. More specifically, his PhD thesis is exploring the role of hard-to-reach energy users in this transition, by characterizing audiences at European, national, and local scales and by developing a local-scale support framework which is being piloted in several neighborhoods of Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Miguel is also collaborating on several international and national research projects, such as the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH), the IEA UsersTCP Task on Hard-to-reach Energy Users, project "Ponto de Transição" that is piloting physical one-stop-shop approaches to mitigate energy poverty, and "Menu de Renovação Verde" that launched a digital one-stop-shop for home renovation.
Miguel has a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, from the NOVA School of Science and Technology of NOVA University Lisbon, with a semester abroad at the Warsaw University of Technology. Before joining CENSE, he worked on three renowned organizations, including a one-year professional experience in the Netherlands, covering areas as energy, climate change, circular economy, and water. Parallel to his PhD, Miguel is volunteering for the local partnership of Telheiras - a community-led network that promotes local sustainability - where he is coordinating an energy community project. He is also an environmental activist at GEOTA - one of the key environmental NGOs in Portugal - currently serving as board member. Since 2021, Miguel is one of the European Union's Climate Pact Ambassadors in Portugal.
Energy poverty as an environmental determinant of health: Identification and support to vulnerable families in the context of a family health center [2025]
Sharing Is Caring: Exploring Distributed Solar Photovoltaics and Local Electricity Consumption through a Renewable Energy Community [2024]
Arquitectura, Sostenibilidad, Resiliencia y Salud. Hacia una Sociedad en Armonía con el Medio Ambiente [2024]
(Dis)comfortably numb in energy transitions: Gauging residential hard-to-reach energy users in the European Union [2024]
A New Way to Mitigate Energy Poverty: Lessons from the Transition Point ‘One-Stop Shop’ Pilot [2024]
Promoting local electricity generation and sharing: A detailed analysis of the experience of the Telheiras Renewable Energy Community in Portugal [2024]
Energy Inclusion Project [2022-2023]
Provide support to EDP - Social Impact Office for their project on Social InclusionGreen Renovation Menu [2020-2021]
The "Menu Renovação Verde" aims to help homeowners increase the sustainability of their homes, as well as improve their comfort conditions and reduce their energy bills, with a particular focus on those who are most vulnerable and those living in older and inefficient buildings.Greenfest - "A Pact to (Re)Think: mobility, food, and energy in debate with the EU Climate Pact Ambassadors" with Miguel Macias Sequeira
First general assembly of the Telheiras Renewable Energy Community
Miguel Macias Sequeira speaker in the Webinar "Moving towards a green and gender equal energy transition"
Miguel Macias Sequeira speaker in the Final Conference of the Energy Communities Repository and of the Rural Energy Communities Advisory Hub
Katherine Mahoney, Miguel Sequeira and Salomé Bessa present at EEIC2023
Miguel Macias Sequeira as an invited lecturer for the Friends of the Earth Europe "Energy Community Ambassadors Course 2023"