PhD Candidate at NOVA University of Lisbon
Pedro Palma holds a MSc. degree in environmental engineering, environmental systems engineering profile, from the NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon. He has been a researcher at CENSE since 2017, developing research work on buildings energy modelling, building renovation cost-effectiveness analysis, energy poverty vulnerability metrics, and climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.
He has participated in national and European projects such as Intermunicipal Plans for Climate Change Adaptation of Portuguese regions Alentejo Central and Oeste; the National Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050 of Portugal; the project LIGAR! Energy Efficiency for All!, about the identification of energy poverty hotspots for local action in Portugal; the project Ponto de Transição, which implemented and is currently running a physical one-stop-shop for energy poverty mitigation; the Climate-KIC project SUSHI - Sustainable Historic City Districts; the Menu de Renovação Verde, which developed a digital one-stop-shop for home renovation; the IEA's UsersTCP Task on Hard-to-reach Energy Users; and the project EPAH - Energy Poverty Advisory Hub.
Pedro is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the doctoral program Environment and Sustainability at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE), of the same school and university, exploring building energy performance and energy poverty measurements across spatial and temporal scales.
Arquitectura, Sostenibilidad, Resiliencia y Salud. Hacia una Sociedad en Armonía con el Medio Ambiente [2024]
Exploring Energy Poverty in Urban and Rural Contexts in the Era of Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries and Israel [2024]
Comparative analysis of energy poverty definition and measurement in Portugal and Spain [2024]
A New Way to Mitigate Energy Poverty: Lessons from the Transition Point ‘One-Stop Shop’ Pilot [2024]
Hard-to-reach energy users: An ex-post cross-country assessment of behavioural-oriented interventions [2023]
LOCal Authorities to Tackle Energy povErty in private multi-apartment buildings (LOCATEE) [LIFE] [2024-2027]
LOCATEE's overarching goal is to support local municipalities in addressing energy poverty through the renovation of private multiapartment buildings for vulnerable residents.HORIS - Home Renovation Integrated Services (LIFE) [2023-2026]
A digital OSS empowering homeowners renovating to choose the right professionals and navigate a complex financial processEnergy/and human POverty: Public policy and Recommendations in Southern Europe [EFPORE-SE] [2024-2025]
The project's primary goal is to provide methods for measuring energy poverty and enhancing institutional capacities to identify energy-poor households in South Europe using Greece, Portugal Spain and Italy as case studies. The project is funded by the HellenicPonto de Transição (Transition Point) [2021-2025]
Ponto de Transição is a mobile one-stop-shop operating out of a reused shipping container, with the goal of providing residents with useful, practical information and support on how they can improve the thermal comfort of their homes.EPAH - EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub [2021-2024]
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is the leading EU initiative aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European local governments.La vivienda iberoamericana ante los desafíos post-COVID y de adaptación al Cambio Global, desde la habitabilidad: propuestas arquitectónicas y técnicas para hábitats igualitarios y salubres (VIbRA-IS) [2022-2024]
The aim of this LINCGLOBAL project is to promote interaction between Ibero-American and Portuguese and Spanish researchers in the field of Global Change, while advancing in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Several team members at the international multi-event "Challenges in housing in the 21st Century: technical and social training in the face of the Climate Emergency and Energy Vulnerability” in madrid
Multiple Fireflylab team members participating on the Empowered Futures PhD School event in Lisbon
Pedro Palma presents at the Growth vs Climate 2024 Conference in Barcelona
Dr. Lilia Karpinska concludes her 3-week visit to Firefly Lab with a presentation on Energy poverty in Central and Eastern Europe
João Pedro Gouveia and Pedro Palma present EPAH Lunch Talk
BEHAVE 2023 conference in Maastricht with João Pedro Gouveia as Keynote speaker, Miguel Sequeira and Pedro Palma on Parallel Sessions