João Pedro Gouveia

Lab Leader at NOVA University of Lisbon

Dr. João Pedro Gouveia holds a Ph.D. in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies from NOVA School of Science and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-NOVA, PT). He is a Principal Researcher and Integrated Member at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE). At CENSE, he currently manages a team of over 40 persons working on energy efficiency solutions & funding schemes, and energy poverty mitigation. He is the coordinator of the CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute thematic line on "Promoting a circular and carbon neutral economy". He created and leads the Firefly Energy lab.
He is a lecturer at NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT, SBE, FCSH) on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable urban planning. He is one of the founders of Regenerative Intelligence (RegenIntel), a global advisory consultancy based in the US.
Dr. Gouveia's expertise extends beyond academia, as he is the principal investigator of multiple national and international projects, policy support studies, and consultancy work on buildings, energy efficiency, energy poverty, sustainable cities, and climate change. His practical application of research is further evidenced by his role, since 2021, in the Coordination team of EPAH - EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub for DG Energy of the European Commission, and his former position on the Management Committee of EU COST Action on Energy Poverty (ENGAGER) (2017-2020).
He supervises multiple PhD and MSc thesis. He is a recognized international expert in his research area, having an advisory role on 7 EU projects and participating in various academic MSc and PhD juries. João has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles in high-impact factor international journals with over 3800 citations (H-index of 29) and has contributed to presentations at over 150 national and international conferences and events, from which he has been an invited speaker/keynote to more than 100.
He is a member of the editorial board of Discover Global Society (Springer Nature), PLOS Climate and an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Cities.
He was a Senior Research Fellow for energy systems at Project Drawdown (USA) (2016-2020), founder and former Board Member of DERA - Drawdown Europe Research Association (2019-2022) and APEEN - Portuguese Association for Energy Economics (2015) where is currently part of the board. Between 2018 and 2021, he was part of the CENSE Management Board, where he was responsible for the cross-cutting area of "Impact on Society and Technology Transfer." He is one of the elected representatives of the Researchers on the Environmental Science and Engineering Department Council at FCT-NOVA (2020-...).
Before his PhD, he completed his master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology at NOVA University of Lisbon, where he also completed his bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering.


IWG5 task force on Just transition: affordable, sustainable renovation [2024-2025]

SET-Plan Implementation working group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) and the IWG5-CSA project. João Pedro Gouveia serves as Chair of the task force on Just transition: affordable, sustainable renovation. (Task force 5)


PED-EU-NET: Positive Energy Districts European Network [2021-2024]

The PED-EU-NET: Positive Energy Districts European Network aims to mobilize stakeholders to deploy Positive Energy Districts in Europe through knowledge sharing, idea exchange, resource pooling, experimentation, and co-creation.


"Energy Efficiency in Central Government Buildings" Funding Program [2022-2024]

The "Eficiência Energética em Edifícios da Administração Pública Central" program aims to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and save money by implementing energy-efficient measures in Portuguese public buildings.


Support for the "Renovation and Increased Energy Performance of Service Buildings" Funding Scheme [2022-2024]

The "Apoio à Renovação e Aumento do Desempenho Energético dos Edifícios de Serviços" program is a Portuguese government initiative aimed at promoting energy efficiency in buildings used for services, such as offices, schools, and hospitals.


La vivienda iberoamericana ante los desafíos post-COVID y de adaptación al Cambio Global, desde la habitabilidad: propuestas arquitectónicas y técnicas para hábitats igualitarios y salubres (VIbRA-IS) [2022-2024]

The aim of this LINCGLOBAL project is to promote interaction between Ibero-American and Portuguese and Spanish researchers in the field of Global Change, while advancing in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


"Vale Eficiência" Funding Program [2022-2024]

The Vale Eficiência (Energy Efficiency Voucher) Program is a Portuguese government initiative that aims to promote energy efficiency in households and businesses by providing financial incentives to invest in more efficient equipment and appliances.

Image article
October 01, 2024 Magazine
João Pedro Gouveia interviewed for GreenSavers Magazine
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September 02, 2024 Online
João Pedro Gouveia is a new member of the Working Group of the IWG5 - Task Force 5 on “Just Transition: Affordable and Sustainable Renovation”of the SET Plan IWG 5 on Buildings
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August 01, 2024 Online
João Pedro Gouveia new member of the editorial board of Discover Global Society (Springer Nature)
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July 19, 2024 Online
Published study by Pedro Palma and João Pedro Gouveia "Analysing the 2023-2050 Long-term National Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty - Challenges and Proposals for Portugal]
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June 06, 2024 Radio
João Pedro Gouveia at TSF radio for a roundtable on Food Waste
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May 15, 2024 Online
João Pedro Gouveia is part of the consultative body of the National Strategy to Fight Poverty 2021-2030
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